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'YES Move. NO Move. (Moved?)'

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Realised within the framework of BeSpectACTive!

Informed by dialogue and interactions with communities across three distinctly different European cities, ‘YES Move. NO Move (Moved?)’ asks, what’s really at stake when we fail to embrace the other in ourselves? 



‘YES Move. NO Move, (Moved?)’ is about what moves us towards and away from each other. The work explores the extent of empathy; questioning what it is that moves us to action, to embrace the other as ourselves, and asks what are the consequences when we don't. ‘YES Move. NO Move. (Moved?)’ is a human response to the subject of difference (ethnicity vs citizenships vs identity), borders (physical, territorial, cultural, metaphysical, psychological, and emotional), rights to movement (political, economic, social, cultural), and belonging. 


The work's research occurred via residencies with B51 Cultural Society in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Tanec Praha in Prague, Czech Republic, and Radu Stanca National Theatre in Sibiu, Romania across November and December 2015.


During these residencies, the creative team engaged in a series of conversations and creative workshops with local community. The community informed, directed, and responded as active participants in the creation of this work. 


During the project the creative team:

  • collaborated and performed with, border volunteers, activists, current asylum seekers, dancers from the Roma community, migrants, emigrant workers, and youth navigating current social tensions.

  • delivered workshops in asylum seeker detention centres in Slovenia and Czech Republic and with Roma youth in Czech Republic, and

  • meet and interviewed people 'erased' during Slovenia's independance, Roma and Migrant support organisations and invisible worker advocates.


The aim of this process was to reveal the lived experience within these complex contemporary questions around borders, rights to movement; and the politics of scarcity, crisis & difference.​

Realised in the framework of Be SpectACTive! - CapoTrave/Kilowatt Sansepolcro (It), Bakelit Multi Art Center Budapest (HU), B-51 Ljubljana (SL), Domino Zagreb (HR), LIFT London (Uk), Tanec Praha (CZ), Teatrul National Radu Stanca Sibiu (RO), York Theatre Royal (UK).


Be SpectACTive! is a European project based on audience development, which encourages intercultural dialogue through practices exchange amongst professionals, artists, and audiences all across Europe: its members are based in Italy, Hungary, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Romania, Croatia, and Slovenia. It aims to build an international, production-oriented, and sustainable network involving the most innovative European organisations working on active spectatorship. "We will produce 21 shows in four years - says Giuliana Ciancio, BeSpectACTive co-creator and project manager - with a mutual interaction between the performers and local communities: the artists will open the doors of their creative process to the public". Be SpectaACTive also has a strong research-focused perspective: "The project is innovative - explains Luca Ricci, Be SpectACTive co-creator and project manager, Kilowatt festival artistic director - it aims to verify whether the spectators increase their sense of affection and participation when involved in the making of the show”

'Still...moved...' by Fiske & Simmonds in the publication 'Be SpectACTive!Challenging Participation In The Performing Arts'

Supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England. Also supported by Dance Manchester, University of Salford and Sustained Theatre Up North.

© Copyright Bridget Fiske 2023
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